About the project
Simple game exchange between countries. Games should be active games which students can play in a gym, playground, field, pitch...
This project will last one school term. From September to December.
1. Students record a short video showing their school and introducing themselves.
2. Students in small groups choose their favourite game and make a poster using all kind of suports: paper, pictures, drawings, power point...explaining how to play (instructions, number of players, material needed, time, rules and personal information about them). INSTRUCTIVE TEXT
3. Students record a short video showing how to play the game.
4. Share posters and videos with school partners.
5. Play these new games in our P.E class.
6. Give a review about the games on PADLET.
7. Christmas Postcards.
- To know how different/similar schools are in other european countries
- To know other countries and their culture through games
- To communicate in a foreign language
- To respect diferent cultures and opinions
- To write instructive texts
- To incorporate new games into the P.E class
Work processTeachers will keep weekly contact using the eTwinning platform mailing service.
Teachers will upload materials that students have done on Twinspace.
Teachers will involve students and the school talking about the project, the other countries, advertising on the school web site...
Students will work in pairs or in small groups with students of their own school.
1- Teachers introduce the project to the students and the school (advertisement). September 2018
2- Presentation. Students record a short video introducing the school (school name, country, grade...) showing the different rooms and areas. September 2018
3- Instructional text posters (word, pdf, jpg, drawings, ppt,) about their favourite game. October 2018
4- Record instructional videos explaining how to play. October 2018
5- Upload the posters and videos on Twinspace. November 2018
6- Play games from other countries. November 2018
7- Review the games on Padlet. December 2018
8- Christmas Postcards. December 2018
Expected results
Incorporate new games into our P.E class.
Get in touch with other cultures and schools in Europe.
Communicate effectively and give instructions to play a game.
Enjoy playing new games.
Detailed project plan
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